Thursday, January 21, 2010


TODAY'S PHOTO TIP - I'm launching a new feature. On a semi regular basis (approximately two to three times a week), I'll be providing a quick photo tip. Today's tip concerns the use of flash, more specifically under what conditions flash can be used successfully. Here's an interesting scenario. You're lucky enough to have box seats at a Dallas Cowboys game. It's a night game and even with the lights lighting the field, you're not sure it's bright enough to photograph the action. Thank the Lord for the camera's built in flash. That should add just enough light to do the job. Or you're seated in the junior high school auditorium watching 14 year old Sally's opening night performance. The camera's flash will no doubt light things up onstage well enough that you can catch Snow White Sally's romantic kissing scene with Prince Johnny from down the street Charming. Unfortunately for you (and all the other shutterbugs popping their flashes), the reach of that built in flash is probably not over 10 to 12 feet. Even if your subject is a mere 15 feet away, it's doubtful your flash will have sufficient reach. So my tip is - check your camera's instruction manual. If it states that the flash's maximum reach is ten feet, THEN YOUR SUBJECT HAD BETTER BE TEN FEET OR CLOSER. A simple concept. So why is it that so many people seem to just not get it? Who knows. The human mind is sometimes a strange thing. Larry Elkins

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