Monday, April 12, 2010


I LOVE TAKING PHOTOGRAPHS - If you don't love taking photographs, why do it? Why do I do it? I do it for the money? That answer might make sense if I made money. But why do I engage in photography even though it's a giant money pit? Because I have deep pockets? No way. IT'S BECAUSE I LOVE TAKING PHOTOGRAPHS. When the act of making photographs no longer excites me, I'll do something else. Back when I spent hours and hours of time in a black & white darkroom, I loved watching the image magically appear on the sheet of photographic paper submerged in the developer. It.s one of the things I miss most about the era of film. But digital processing has its own joys. I love taking, framing and exhibiting my photographs. In short, just about every single aspect of the art of photography excites and delights me. So, what's my point? Well, it's like this. Do it for the pure joy of doing it. If you make money, that's icing on the cake. LARRY ELKINS ELKINSPHOTOS

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