Saturday, May 15, 2010


IF A TREE FALLS IN THE FOREST AND NO ONE HEARS IT, DOES IT MAKE A SOUND? AND IF YOU TAKE A PHOTOGRAPH AND NO ONE VIEWS IT, DOES IT ACTUALLY EXIST? So you're a photographer. You go out and shoot photographs as often as you can. And you think you're getting pretty damn good at it. You look at the photos in magazines like 'Outdoor Digital Nature Photography' and you think to yourself, "Some of my photos are just as good as some of the photos in that magazine." Well, if that's the case, why haven't you shown anyone your work? "Because it's freakin' scary! Don't you get it? If I show my work to people, they're going to judge it. And they may decide they don't like it. I'd be so mortified." Yes, I do remember what it was like. Back when I was just beginning in photography, it was scary, real scary. I literally had to force myself to put my work out there in public land. And it was damned hard to accept the criticism that was aimed my way. And, over the years, there's been plenty of criticism hurled in my direction. And guess what? I've not only survived the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. I've also managed to learn a few things along the way. I know it can seem like a tremendous leap of faith. But if you're unwilling to put your work out where it can be viewed AND CRITICIZED, then you might as well hang it up. Because you'll never grow as an artist. As Frank Sinatra put it so well, "That's life. that's what all the people say. You're ridin' high in April. You're shot gown in May.....So when you find yourself lyin' flat on your face, just pick yourself up and get back in the race." So<>LARRY ELKINS PPHOTOGRAPHY - ELKINSPHOTOS

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