Monday, June 7, 2010


PHOTO TIP - You're happily shooting on the pristine white sand beaches of Florida (and hoping to Hell you're lucky enough to finish up before the tar balls and oily sludge arrive) when you spot that magnificent brown pelican flying across the turquoise sky. You manage to get in one shot, you're totally psyched, and then you check the pic on your LCD. Oh s*#t! In your excitement, you forgot to hold the camera straight. Now what do you do? Well, in the digital age. the answer is simple. You can probably use the 'rotate' feature on your editing program to straighten the horizon. Your shot of the magnificent pelican in flight is saved. And just in time. Because a photo of an oil drenched pelican lying on the beach desperately fighting for its life doesn't make for a very attractive photo. Oh well, as Governor Sarah Palin would say, "It's just another disaster caused by those pesky environmentalists. If they had just let my friend Tony Hayward drill for oil in the Alaskan wilderness, none of this would have happened. Drill, baby, drill." Marie Antoinette would have been proud. Larry Elkins - Elkinsphotos Fine Art Photography

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