Thursday, April 22, 2010


MACRO (ALMOST) ON A SHOESTRING BUDGET - Let' take a moment to eavesdrop on a conversation between two photographers, Pete Poorman and Randy Richguy."Yeah, I'd love to shoot macro. But I'm not exactly made out of money. I can't afford that kind of expensive equipment." "Whaddaya mean expensive. I just saw this great macro lens on sale for only $2500. With this baby, you can photograph a mosquito handheld. Now that's a deal you can't beat with a stick." "You call that cheap? That's almost four times what I paid for my whole camera. And that was with a kit lens, a 16 gig memory card, a UV filter and 2 extra battery packs thrown in for good measure. And you're seriously recommending that I spend $2500 for a lousy lens?" "Well, you know what they say? Ya gets what ya pays for." Now I do believe that a lot more of us can relate to Pete Poorman than relate to Richard Richguy. So, is it true that you can only shoot macro if your last name is Gates and your Given name is Bill? Maybe not. But it ain't exactly cheap either. There's a big difference though between true macro and close up photography. The truth is that you can shoot impressive close-ups without a bunch of expenive equipment. I've done it. I can show you how to do it - in MACRO - ALMOST - ON A SHOESTRING BUDGET PART 2 LARRY ELKINS ELKINSPHOTOS FINE ART PHOTOGRAPHY

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