Sunday, January 24, 2010


PHOTO TIP - Aunt Laura just returned from a vacation at Yellowstone Park and is she ever proud of her photo of a grizzly bear. The only problem is, Aunt Laura's camera was mounted with a 50 mm lens. And Aunt Laura didn't want to get up close and personal with Mr. Grizzly. So the bear in Auntie's photo appears way off in the distance, so distant in fact that you can bearly (pun intended) tell it's a bare. Or vice versa. Anyway, the lesson here isn't to move in closer to the grizzly. The tip is to choose a lens that will bring the big guy in closer without your having to get nose to nose. In any event, the subject of your photo usually needs to fill a good part of the frame. Of course if the main subject of your photo is a mountain, then you might place a person in the distance in order to lend perspective to your main subject, the mountain. But that's another tip for another day. Larry Elkins

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